Anna Maria Dall’Olio



So suddenly it happened
dew down leaves rolled
such a sharp blade.


So suddenly it happened
blue bombs burst in the heart of May
blue rododendron.


June is bloody now
nothing at late eventide
poppies burst at night.

Anna Maria Dall’Olio

Anna Maria Dall’Olio: MA Languages (Pisa, 1985), BA Letters (Pisa, 2004). She devoted herself to poetry and playwriting. In 2005 she was ranked second in "Hanojo - via Rendevuo", a Vietnamese cultural competition for the millennial celebration of Hanoj (1010-2010). She published 4 collections of poems in Italian: "L’acqua opprime" (“Water anguishes”, 2016), “Fruttorto sperimentale” (“Experimental food forest”, 2016), "Latte & Limoni" (“Milk and lemons”, 2014), "L’angoscia del pane" (“Bread is sorrow”, 2010). She also wrote "Tabelo" (“Table”, 2006), a play in Esperanto. Several Italian poets and literary critics have expressed their favorable opinions on her works. She published her poems in sundry anthologies and also wrote for a few literary magazines as well as webzines.
Italian scholar Gianfranco Cotronei has recently edited “Le sirene di cartone di Anna Maria Dall’Olio” (“Anna Maria Dall’Olio’s cardboard sirens”, 2017) .a monograph about her 10-year-old literary career.