Gobinda Biswas

The Cloudy Winter Sky

The winter sky is cloudy for days
While it drizzles now and then,
A chilly wind is blowing non-stop
People think Apollo forgot them.

Bare tress stand here and there
They tremble with cold indeed,
Men and domestic animals are indoor
The wild animals shiver as reed.

The roads become muddy again
While water stagnates everywhere,
The Nature looks dull and gloomy
As a coughing old man without fire.

A deserted look prevails all around
People count hours with anxious heart,
For the sun rise and bright blue sky
To survive they sit by the hearth.

The atmosphere may be dark and chilly
It’ll disperse soon and the sun will smile,
The sky of our Fate may be clouded
We hope it will be sunny on this isle..

The Trees Also Sob

We are the plant kingdom
All kinds of plants and trees,
The beautiful creation of Nature
O Humans, don’t kill us please.

We stand here, there and everywhere
We cannot move from our position,
The herbivorous eat us and survive
But you want our total abolition.

You come to us with fatal weapons
We cry in chorus with family members,
Like the fauna we cannot escape
Then you are really the drunkards.

We are, as if, like the week deer
Before a pack of hungry wolves indeed,
Like them you ruthlessly kill us all
If we are abolished, you too won’t exist.

We can’t resist you, the executioners
We stand motionless and still before you,
Our lamentations resound the entire sky
O Humans, you cruelly killed us, adieu.

The Drowning Man
In The Sea

The sun was rising in the early morning
Like a big saucer, deep red and bright,
Through the broken cloudlets away, far away
Over the wavy sea an unparallel sight.

It was a long sea beach, so beautiful
With a hanging mountain with a floral valley,
Hundreds of reclining coconut trees stood on the beach
As if they were ready for a rack really.

Some people were basking in the sun
The others were bathing joyfully near or far,
This panoramic view dissolved all into ecstasy
For all around were prevailing the heavenly pleasure.

Some waves were lashing on the beach
Suddenly rushed forward a wave so colossal,
She caught hold of a man and  dragged him away
The panicked viewers shouted but did nothing. at all.

Suddenly they noticed, something was approaching
They were waiting in a throbbing heart,
A Dolphin was proceeding with some thing
‘Twas the missing man still alive ,they saw with mirth.

Nature And We:
Mother And Children

O Human race, I am your biological mother
I am also the mother of the animal kingdom,
I’m Nature, always kind to you, my children
 Long ago you were born out of my womb.

I have given you all for living, my dear children
Food, clothing and shelter for pleasure and peace,
But you are not satisfied with them at all
You are greedy and want be limitlessly rich.

You continue to increase in number geometrically
While the plant kingdom is killed to non-existence,
Your voracious hunger swallows the greenery
The cruel, sandy deserts rush to us gradually hence.

The climate has changed with severe thundering
With terrible floods and surging sea –waves,
My children, come to me, don’t kill your mother
The mountain-tops and the poles will be iceless.

O Human race, come to Nature, your mother
If I am killed, you will be extinct, no doubt,
Like Christ I will resurrect, fill the earth with jungles
My, children, you will be abolished, I lament aloud.

Save Us Of Plastics

We are the unlucky and helpless beings
On land, in water and sky and everywhere,
We are animals, fishes, birds, insects and reptiles
O humans, we are not as wise as you are.

You, the Homosapiens always beat the drums
You are the greatest creation of almighty God,
But for your voracious hunger we are in danger
We pray, please save us of plastics, O Lord.

Round the clock you use monomer or polymer
You always use and throw them near or far,
Unknowingly we eat or play with them
It becomes so fatal for us without a bar.

Humans, you have made our lives full of perils
For we are trapped with plastic containers and nets,
Neither can we fly nor can we swim or walk a bit
As our wings and legs are entangled with plastics.

When we eat plastics, we die a painful death
Trapped with them we die of hunger and thirst,
Plastics pollute lands and all the water bodies
O God, please save us of this silent atomic burst.
Gobinda Biswas

Gobinda Biswas (45) a teacher and poet in a English from Hatishala, Dignagar, Krishnanagar, Nadia , West Bengal, India  has two books of poems  in English named’ The Sunny Poems’ with 86 poems and ‘The Universal Poems’ with 90 poems published from Progressive Publishers ,Kolkata, West Bengal, India in 2016 and 2017 and his third book of English poems ‘The Eternal Poems’ with 100 poems will be published soon. His English poems have been published in many magazines and journals like the journal  Anthology of English Poetry; Let there be Peace by Dr Deen Dayal. Poet Gobinda Biswas has been awarded with many prestigious literary  awards