Elisabetta Bagli

Amber Moon

As in a game of chess 
The Queen will threaten the King.
On the altar rises
The amber moon.
A candle is consumed
On the marrow of an existence
Without eternity.


I have gone
Under your blankets,
Opening roads
Beyond the sea
To look for life.
You have exploded
As early spring
Giving me your belly,
Arching your flesh,
Your flesh that will give strength
To other flesh.
The flower is there,
With its roots,
They will grow to get wet
With your colour,
To shout
Their head off to the world.


Who knows if you hear this murmur
That moves the stars and the seas
And mitigate the doors of time,
That greedy and ruthless
Thickens the black and silver of the world.

I wonder if you listen to the fertile song of the Universe
When he opens his forces
And let the beauty of dawn in bloom breathe
Generating love naked and carefree
Of ravenous sparrows and delirious lovers.

I wonder if all this is a dream
Or it's life that calls you by name,
Resounding its echo
In the fugitive and sylvan air,
Crossing rivers and seasons,
Molding wine and blood
In the evanescence of a light
That becomes dance and sound
And becomes body and face.

It is the origin; that's life.
It is you.

Elisabetta Bagli

Elisabetta Bagli : Elisabetta Bagli was born in Rome in 1970 and lives in Madrid since 2002. She won a degree in Economy and Commerce at the Universitá degli Studi "La Sapienza" in Rome. She writes poems, short stories and fairy tales. Her poems have been translated into Spanish, English, French, Albanian, Serbian and Greek.  She has worked as director of two editorial collections and as interpreter for Italian writers Paolo Giordano, Elisabetta Flumeri, Gabriella Giacometti and Diego Galdino. She started writing poems and short stories in 2009 and published her first collection of poems, “Voce” (“Voice”), in 2011. An extended collection with more poems was republished in 2015 by EEE. She has taken part in a number of literary contests and she has won several awards, plaques and certificates in various Poetry Prize Contests. Her books are “Voce” (“Voice”, with its double version in Italian by EEE and in Spanish “Voz” by Ediciones Vitruvio), “Dietro lo sguardo” (“Behind the Gaze”), “Mina, la fatina del lago di cristallo” (“Mina, the Little Fairy of the Crystal Lake”), “Specchi” (Mirrors) and “Le nostre due anime” (Our two souls).  She works together with artists involved in Generando Arte - Colectivo with her poems in Spanish, inspired by their works on gender violence. In September 2014 three of her poems became part of an UNESCO publication related to the international contest “Culture, Power and Violence: STORIES OF WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND COUNTRIES”. Her poems have been selected for a number of anthologies in several Countries. She keeps her personal blog Elisabetta Bagli http://www.elisabettabagli.com/. She actively contributes reviews and interviews to different blogs and magazines publishing articles in Italian, Spanish and English. She organizes literary presentations in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) and in Italy, and literary contests for all the Associations of which she is a member.In May 2017, she was awarded a Diploma of Honor for Artistic Merit Mayte Spínola by the Group Pro Arte y Cultura (ex aequo with Rosa Gallego del Peso) for her poem BNR, inspired in the artwork Cruel Realidad, by Rosa Gallego.