Gopa Bhattacharjee

Kissing In The Rain

My windows are locked for years,
The sunshine and the showers of rain seems offended with me.
They don't enter my first floor air conditioned barred room.
Maybe I myself like my, self -made abayat system.

But ,yesterday when the showers of torrential rain banged my windows;
I couldn't stop myself from opening them.
The locks were unlocked, the windows forced open.
And I let the showers enter my room
Wetting my bed and my body.
It gave me the certain warmth of the sunshine ,
It gave me a certain reminiscence
Of our kissing in the rains.

Love Thy Earth

"That cloud" you remember?
Wanted love instantly.
Not knowing the earth loved him silently.
The wind declared her love gorgeously.
The sun declared her love grandly .

The cloud ,boasted of floating .
The wind ,flattered by blowing .
The sun, showed pride by glowing.
The earth ,laughed by giggling.

The cloud asked the reason furiously.
The earth, whispered in his ears passionately.
The wind can cease to love you
by not blowing willingly .
The sun can cease to love you
by hiding behind the moon secretly.

But I will love you
As I love mankind,
By rotating continuously .
The cloud roared flirtatiously,
And fell down as rain
To embrace the earth wildly.

The earth blushed and covered
Herself with greenery.
Just like a newly bride,
Covering herself with crimson veil,
Full of pride and finery.

The Maple Leaf

My Maple leaf
That never grew in my garden
I commanded the autumn
To stay a bit longer
But he refused
And how much I tried
To water the seeds
The plant refused to grow.

Gopa Bhattacharjee

Gopa Bhattacharjee: Gopa is an entrepreneur by profession but passionate about writing poetry. An absolute contrast to her work profile, she uses her passion for reading and writing during her free time, as she believes knowledge is boundless and needs to be dispersed. She is passionate about weaving poetry relating to the realities of lives and diversities of nature. She has a strong desire to reach out to make millions through her work, in order to make them aware of this art of spontaneous feelings. She lives in Kolkata with her husband Shuvayu and Ahir.