Juanita Garcia Vera

The Desert Bare

It is said
The desert is bare
Yet, I see
Life everywhere
In abundance
It blooms
Yellows, reds,
Oranges and whites
There is beauty
In the thorniest
Woody bush
That  guards
Its bountiful fruits
 Prickly Pear
Cacti stand
Tall and stately
Displaying a brilliant show
Of bold yellow colors
Attracting bees
And butterflies
Each paddle
With beet red

Sweet fruit
Rodents make their nest
Atop thorny bushes 
A deterrent to predators
Rattlesnakes sliver along
The sandy path
Coiling their symmetrical
Graceful bodies
While resting
In the shade
Their rattlers warning
“To tread with care”
Scorpions  dash
Across the paths
Their distinctive tails
Like a sail
In the  Sea of Sand
Lizards run
In the midday Sun
Finding shade
In the desert heat
 Leaves and roots
Are minute oasis
Providing water
For thirsty residents
The desert beams with life
 Sit in silence, listen
Without haste
 Behold the canvas
Vast and colorful,
Enticing each
Of the senses
To see
To smell
To touch
To hear 
Breathe slowly
Inhale its beauty
You will discover
A hidden treasure
In every living thing
God created
© Juanita Garcia Vera
All Rights Reserved    JGV…2014

The Winter Night

Old man  Winter dug his heels
Showering the grounds and trees
With sugar morsels coated in ice
Some made long strands
To form translucent beautiful icicles
That danced in the cold wind
The Sunlight hitting at angles
That shimmered colorful rainbows
The rays of Sunlight
Bouncing off the colorless Snow
Gleaming the brightest light show
I quickly walked trying to keep warm
And for a moment,   I was
But the Sun fell beyond the horizon
And all became dark and quiet
Night vermin began to howl
And Snow Owls hooted
A lonely cry
The North wind blew and blew
Against the door rattling windows
And rafters
Locking the door
I settled in, drinking hot Chocolate
Held my body close to the fireplace
Feeling warm and snugly
I closed my eyes
Trying to keep warm
Feeling the cool breeze
Along my back and face
As I snuggled in downy
Patchwork warmth
And smiled remembering lyrics
To words of the  song
“You are my Sunshine “…
Falling soundly asleep
I dreamed   of
Warming rays of Sun
And light so bright
Bathing the fields
Drying the tears of dew
In the path of dying Winter
Visions of saplings peered
Through the blanket of white
Giving way to Spring
And I felt so warm
In light of sweet visions
© Juanita Garcia Vera
All rights Reserved JGV 2018


Some people wonder
Why   I love flowers
Waving  in  breeze
And why I   dance   in
April   showers
In  love  with  Spring
I float with wonder
In   all   my   dreams
And   leave no shadow
To follow me
Some people question
The constant wandering
In  ocean’s  ponder
In river’s rumble
In rocks and trees
It’s that I’m searching
And that I’m finding
The hand of Master
Living   in me
 So like the flowers
That dance in Spring

So like the trees
So High I reach
So like the oceans
So  deep   I seek
To find the Master
Working on me
© Juanita Garcia Vera 
All Rights Reserved JGV... 2018

Juanita Garcia Vera


  1. Juanita you always have such beautiful words in your poetry. Thanks for sharing love reading beautiful poems that you write.

  2. Juanita your words are so beautiful. They make me open my eyes and see my surroundings thru your words. Thank you
